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April 26-27, 2024
Kütahya Innovative Medicine
and Artificial Intelligence
Congress 2024
Kütahya 1st Data Science Days
April 26-27
Kütahya Health Sciences University, Hekim Sinan Conference Hall



Welcome to the Innovative Medical Technologies and Artificial Intelligence Congress! Are you ready to discover the technologies and innovations in artificial intelligence that shape the future of the healthcare industry? Together with you, we will discuss the transformation in health services and build the future together. We hope you have a pleasant and productive event at our congress and thank you for your participation.

Stay healthy,
Artificial Intelligence and Medicine
Congress Organization Team

Photograph: Aycan ACET


Dear Participants,

Welcome to our congress, embraced by the historical texture and hospitality of Kütahya!

These beautiful lands, which Evliya Çelebi, with his adventurous and exploratory spirit, admiringly mentioned in his Seyahatname for their ceramics and pottery, have carried traces of many civilizations over the years. Today, as a city where modern life intertwines with a heritage from the depths of history, such as the Frig Valley where the first stock exchange was established and where one of the few surviving sun temples in the world, Aizonai, is located, it offers a peaceful environment.

Artificial intelligence holds increasing importance in healthcare today. Through technologies like big data analysis, machine learning, and deep learning, artificial intelligence is making significant contributions in various areas of the healthcare sector. For example, AI-based systems in diagnosis and treatment processes help in early detection of diseases and the formulation of more effective treatment plans. Additionally, AI applications in areas such as health record management, patient monitoring, and hospital operations provide significant conveniences.

While increasing efficiency in healthcare, artificial intelligence also strengthens the ability to provide patient-centered care. For instance, AI-supported patient care systems can respond more sensitively to individual patient needs and personalize treatment processes, thereby enhancing patient satisfaction and improving the quality and effectiveness of healthcare services. In conclusion, artificial intelligence in healthcare plays a facilitating and healing role in the lives of both healthcare professionals and patients.

At our congress, following in the footsteps of Evliya Çelebi, we will step together towards new horizons in the discoveries of the worlds of medicine and technology.

Dear participants, together at our congress, we will witness innovations in healthcare technologies. By coming together, we will share knowledge and experiences, establish new collaborations, and take steps to shape the future of healthcare services.

I thank you all for your participation and wish you a pleasant and productive congress.

Best regards,

Congress President

Dr. Can Özlü


Deadline for Paper Submission

Abstract submission deadline: April 24, 2024

Full text submission deadline: April 24, 2024

Deadline for oral presentations with ready-made video content: April 24, 2024

Congress Date: 26-27 April 2024.

For the author

Innovative Medicine and Artificial Intelligence Congress (Innomed 2024) meets the Interuniversity Board (ÜAK). The research contributions presented at this conference will benefit from extensive visibility and academic recognition in many ways:
Conference Papers: Every paper accepted for presentation will be included in the official conference proceedings. In this way, comprehensive access will be provided for conference participants, and scientific discourse and criticism will be possible.
Specialized Academic Journals: A select subset of papers will be reserved for publication in select academic journals. This recognition will be based on rigorous standards of academic excellence, current relevance to the journals, and alignment with particular themes or subject areas. We encourage authors to take advantage of this favorable opportunity to elucidate research findings, disseminate new ideas, and promote the advancement of knowledge within their discipline. We are looking forward to your posts. Feel free to contact us for any questions or further clarification.

Writing Rules

Guidelines for Submission
Innovative Medicine and Artificial Intelligence Congress (Innomed 2024) accepts abstract or full text article submissions in English or Turkish. Researchers have the option of submitting an abstract or a full article. All submissions (whether abstracts or full texts) will be subject to a blind review process. Each submission will be evaluated by at least two independent referees. Researchers must use the Conference Management Tool (CMT) system to submit their work.

Plagiarism Policy

Submissions to the conference will undergo a copyright check using a plagiarism program. The acceptable similarity index should not exceed 25%, excluding references.

Templates and Forms

Authors are expected to use provided templates and copyright forms for their submissions. As part of the application process, authors are required to upload a signed Copyright Transfer Form and Plagiarism Check report as additional documents. Submissions must be submitted in Word format; Failure to comply will result in automatic rejection of the article.

Download writing template Download Spelling Rules

Presentation of Abstract Rules

The language of the congress is Turkish and English. The entire abstract should not exceed 400 words (excluding title name, author's name and surname, institution information and keywords). Abstracts must be uploaded to the system in Turkish or English abstract form. Abstracts should be prepared in Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing and 12 point size. The title of the paper abstract should reflect the content of the subject, be short and should not contain abbreviations. The title should be written with the first letters of each word capitalized. Prepositions such as “and” should be written in lower case in titles. Academic titles should not be used in author names. Names should be written with only the first letters capitalized. The names and addresses of the institutions where the authors work (university name, faculty/department, province and country) must be stated. The abstract should be understandable in terms of content and scope. When an abbreviation must be used in the abstract, it should be stated in parentheses at the first mention. Papers can be submitted in the form of original research (observational, experimental, methodological studies, meta-analysis and systematic review studies), case reports and compilations. Original research abstracts; “Introduction and Purpose, Method, Findings, Conclusion”; It should be structured to include sections. Case report abstracts; “Introduction and Purpose, Fact(s), Conclusion”; It should be structured to include sections. Compilation of abstracts; It should be structured in plain text, containing the purpose of the compilation. Keywords should consist of at least 3 and maximum 5 words. “;” between words (semicolon) should be placed, only the first letter of the first keyword should be capitalized and written in alphabetical order.

Priting of Papers

All papers accepted and presented as oral presentations at the congress, “1. It will be published electronically in the "Innovative Medical Technologies and Artificial Intelligence Congress Abstract Proceedings Book". All responsibilities regarding the papers sent to the congress (obtaining ethical approval for research articles, correct spelling of sources, compliance with grammar rules, etc.) belong to the author(s). All participants must present oral and/or poster presentations. Papers that are not presented will not be included in the "Full Text and Abstract Proceedings Book". At the congress, ORAL and POSTER presentations can be made in the sub-branches of Medicine and Health Sciences. At the end of the congress, the Congress Abstract Book with ISBN number will be published. Participation in the congress can be made only with the abstract. There is no obligation to send full text. Participation in the congress is possible from the fields of Medical sciences, Engineering, Health sciences, Midwifery and Nursing.

okuyucular için

For the reader

We invite readers to subscribe to the publication notification service for this journal. You can register using the 'Register' link at the top of the conference's home page. With this registration, readers will receive an email with the Table of Contents each time a new conference journal is published. This subscription also allows the conference to demonstrate that it has a certain support or readership. Please see the journal's Privacy Notice, which ensures that subscribers' personal information, including names and email addresses, will not be reused for other activities.


Price / Accommodation

Medicine - Engineering sessions will be held on 26-27 April 2024 in the specified meeting halls and classrooms at KSBÜ Central Campus Faculty of Medicine. Participation fee for the Medicine - Engineering session is 250 TL. For participants who will send posters and papers, the fee that must be paid by at least one author per poster and paper is 750 TL. Participation fee for Nursing - Midwifery sessions is 100 TL. The Midwifery - Nursing session will be held on April 26, 2024 at the specified time and hall on KSBÜ Germiyan campus. Accommodation fees are not included in the participation fees.

You can make a reservation by accessing the accommodation options below and get detailed information.

Accommodation prices are not included in congress registration prices.

If you have any problems, you can contact our team: 0533 659 22 42

Central District Hotels

Çinili Hotel: 0274 404 01 22

Çinili Otel Plus: 0274 666 06 70

Kütahya Garden Hotel: 0532 155 32 14

Benli Hotel: 0542 266 55 76

Gül Palas Hotel: 0274 216 23 25

Erbaylar Hotel: 0274 223 69 60

Qtahya Hotel: 0274 226 20 10

Hilton Hotel: 444 9 879

Harlek Thermal Hotel: 0274 245 21 00

Yoncalı Region Hotels

Gülümser Hatun Thermal Hotel: 444 3 16

Yoncalı Thermal Hotel: 0850 333 3 333





Being updated

Honorary President
Prof Dr Ahmet TEKİN Rector of Kütahya Health Sciences University

Congress President
Dr. Faculty Member Can ÖZLÜ

Congress Vice Presidents
Dr. Lecturer Sema ÜSTÜNDAĞ
Dr. Lecturer Gamze ÜNVER
Dr. Faculty Member Aycan ACET
Dr. Faculty Member Nilüfer KÖYLÜOĞLU
Dr. Faculty Member Ahmet GÜVEN
Dr. Faculty Member Ayşegül DURMAZ

Organizing Board
Prof Dr Emel KOÇAK
Prof Dr Hasan Emre AYDIN
Prof Dr Orhan ÖZATİK
Prof Dr Sezgin SEREN
Prof Dr Hamdi Melih SAROĞLU
Prof Dr Faik YAYLAK
Prof Dr Yılmaz KAYA
Prof. Dr. Öznur AK
Prof Dr Yasemin TAŞÇI
Prof. dr. Sultan GÜÇLÜ
Associate Professor. Fatma BAŞAR
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Çiğdem ÖKTEN
Dr. Lecturer Ayşegül SAVCI
Dr. Lecturer Kevser KARACABAY
Dr. Lecturer Betül YAVUZ
Dr. Lecturer Nigâr ÇELİK
Associate Professor Mehmet Fatih EKİCİ
Dr. Faculty Member Can ÖZLÜ
Dr. Faculty Member Mustafa ERSOY
Assoc. Dr. Nihal Yurteri
Associate Professor. Yasemin ÖZATİK
Associate Professor Aysun ÖZLÜ
Dr. Faculty Member Nilüfer KÖYLUOĞLU
Dr. Faculty Member Aycan ACET
Dr. Faculty Member Ahmet GÜVEN
Dr. Lecturer Gamze ÜNVER
Dr. Lecturer Sema ÜSTÜNDAĞ
Dr. Faculty Member Ayşegül DURMAZ
Dr. Lecturer Elif Tuğçe ÇİTİL
Specialist Dr Cumali YALÇIN
Associate Professor Semra ULUSOY
Dr. Faculty Member Ulya KESKİN
Dr. Lecturer Emre GÜNGÖR
Associate Professor. Fatma BAŞAR
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Çiğdem ÖKTEN
Dr. Lecturer Ayşegül SAVCI
Dr. Lecturer Kevser KARACABAY
Dr. Lecturer Betül YAVUZ
Dr. Lecturer Nigâr ÇELİK
Dr. Lecturer Member Ayşegül UNUTKAN
Dr. Lecturer Member Hülya TOSUN
Dr. Lecturer Member of. Feyza AKTAŞ REYHAN
Dr. Lecturer Member Ayfer ESER


Scientific Board (Updating)
Prof Dr Waseem F AlTameemi
Prof. Dr. Azer Ahundov
Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Duysak
Associate Professor Aysun ÖZLÜ
Assoc. Prof. Yılmaz Kaya
Associate Professor. Fatma BAŞAR
Associate Professor. Çiğdem ÖKTEN
Dr. Faculty Member Aycan ACET
Dr. Faculty Member Ahmet GÜVEN
Dr. Faculty Member Ayşegül DURMAZ
Dr. Lecturer Elif Tuğçe ÇİTİL
Dr. Lecturer Ayşegül SAVCI
Dr. Lecturer Kevser KARACABAY
Dr. Lecturer Betül YAVUZ
Dr. Lecturer Nigâr ÇELİK
Associate Professor. Nagyne Habil Hajnal Eva
Assistant Prof Gaye Ediboglu Bartos
Dr Turkay KART
Dr Pervane Rustemova
Dr Günel Qemberova
Dr fahad umer

Congress Secretariat
Lecturer Dr. Necibe DAĞCAN
Lecturer Burcu NAL
Res. See. Feride ÇEVİK










Enes KAY



Zeynep İrem ALTAŞ

Cennet Şevval DEMİR


Enes KAY




Kürşat BEDİR

Ahmet Ubeyde HAPPY

Muharrem Eren DENİZ

Umut Yusuf ÇINAR









Furkan CAN

Kürşat BEDİR

Enes KAY




Zeynep İrem ALTAŞ



Seren KURU



Ahmet Ubeyde HAPPY

Muharrem Eren DENİZ



Kardelen CAN

Alperen TAŞ





Enes KAY




Zeynep İrem ALTAŞ



Alperen TAŞ


Kardelen CAN



Ramazan Yıldırım KARAMAN

Taha Melih KARAMAN




Suha Emre İNAL

Abdurrahman ERGEZER

Melike ACAR

Beytullah ATASOY




Serasu Çamkaya
Phone: +90 553 170 50 40
Duygu Yılmaz
Phone: +90 539 914 24 21
Elif Kaplan
Phone: +90 543 738 07 01


Frequently Asked Questions



1) What are the fees for congress participation packages?

Registration fees: 250TL for medicine and engineering sessions, The fee is 100 TL for Midwifery and Nursing sessions and 750 TL for oral presentations. Registration fee; Scientific Program (Scientific Sessions), Social program (concert, open-air cinema), Name Badge, Participation Certificate, Lunch, Break refreshments are included.


2) What is the difference between active participant and passive participant?

Active participants sent their papers to the congress and received approval from the scientific committee, and These are the participants who will present their papers within the time limit. There are awards for active participants as a result of jury voting. Participants who will not present a paper are called passive participants.


3) I gave up attending the congress, do you provide a refund in this case?

There will be no refund in cases of cancellation.


4) How can I reach the congress area? What are the transportation possibilities in Kütahya?

Come to the congress area (Evliya) for medical and engineering sessions Çelebi campus) 7A from the bus station; You can get there from the market by buses 7, 7A, 7B, A1.

Come to the congress area (KSBÜ Germiyan) for Midwifery and Nursing sessions You can reach the center by taking 7A from the bus station and then by using buses numbered A1.


5) What are the congress accommodation opportunities?

Information about accommodation can be found in “ACCOMMODATION” You can access it from our tab.


6) What are the campus facilities? (Food, travel, etc.)

In our campus (in Evliya Çelebi campus ) There are 2 lakes, one big and one small. You can take a walk and have a pleasant time in the green areas around the lake and its surroundings. You can meet your food and various needs at the Bedesten located near the lake. For food, go to the "Hidden Lake Restaurant" around the lake. and “Igloo Restaurant” You can choose.


7) What are the places to visit and see in Kütahya?

At the Doner Casino in Küahya Castle and you can dine or sip your tea with a view at Hisaraltı Tea Garden, located under the Küahya Castle. If you want easy transportation and an inexpensive activity, you can stop by Sevgi Yolu and wander around the historical Samanpazarı and Germiyan streets. If you want to spend time with your friends, you can stop by Cafe Street, where there are mostly students.  If you would like to buy small gifts for your loved ones from Kütahya's unique works of art, visit Çicedil;ini opposite Sera Avm. You can stop by the market. 


8) What are the conditions for preparing a paper?

You can read the terms of the paper from the paper submission tab.


9) What is included in the registration fee?

Registration Ücretine;

Scientific Program (Scientific Sessions),

Social program (Concert and open-air cinema)

Name Badge,

Congress bag,

Certificate of Participation,


Intercourse refreshments are included.


10) Will a certificate of participation be given at the congress?

Yes, our participants who attend our congress will be given a certificate.


11) Will breakfast and lunch be provided during the congress?

The registration fee includes 2 dates on April 26 and April 27. Lunch is included. We do not serve breakfast.


12)Escape to Congress I can participate with 1 number of papers and is there a rule in distributing them?

One participant has the right to present a total of 1 paper. The oral version of these declarations or a poster, the participant's request is taken into account and the final version is determined by the decision of the referees.







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